4 - 5 Nov 2024
Gaydon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Event Summary

The organisers say: If you are responsible for strategy, specifying, and implementing a charging infrastructure for Britain's ever-growing fleet of electric vehicles, the pressure is on to create a charging infrastructure for cars, buses, airport apron vehicles, trucks: for all on-highway vehicles. However, charging technologies are evolving even faster than the vehicles themselves. The UK Charging Infrastructure Symposium looks beyond the plug: invest in the right technologies! Join the discussion, make new contacts, create a relevant strategy to future-proof your charging infrastructure. This unique conference explores charging technologies and solutions far beyond the current talking points. Delegates at The UK Charging Infrastructure Symposium at the British Motor Museum on 4-5 November 2024 should attend to ensure that they make better implementation decisions for the long term because charging technologies and possibilities are evolving at an incredible rate. IDTechEx Senior Technology Analyst Shazan Siddiqi will be speaking as part of this conference.

IDTechEx Attendees 2

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