Raghu Das CEO

Raghu Das MA (Cantab) is CEO of IDTechEx. He has a Natural Sciences degree from Cambridge University, where he studied Physics. He has tracked emerging technologies for over 20 years, providing best-in-class global research and strategic advice. He has helped organizations large and small - from Fortune 50 companies to start-ups, enabling them to make the best strategic decisions based on global insight.
Raghu has lectured at over 500 events around the World and leads several research programs including topics covering materials, manufacturing and electronics. His analysis of these industries and market forecasts have been cited globally, in publications such as the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times.
Technical Expertise
Detailed technical and market expertise gained over 20 years of tracking and assessing emerging technologies, providing complete analysis of technologies and value chains.
Commercial Success
Raghu has expanded a research, consulting and events firm to an international presence with HQ and subsidiaries across three continents and staff in six countries, making profits each year and growing revenue. The company is extremely highly regarded for its services in the industries it serves.
Consulting Experience
Raghu has led and conducted consulting studies for over 150 global firms from blue chips to start-ups, covering acquisition due diligence, growth opportunity appraisal, technology and market appraisal, project management of creation of prototypes, manufacturing cost assessment, matching/introducing companies, product benchmarking and more.
Raghu has lectured at more than 500 leading academic and business conferences around the world including the USA, Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Dubai, Qatar, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Italy, Israel, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia and others.


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