Yulin Wang Senior Technology Analyst

Yulin Wang is a Technology Analyst at IDTechEx specialising in robotics.
Yulin has been working on service robots, agricultural robots, and collaborative robots at IDTechEx. His focus is on the hardware components as well as the navigation software systems of robots.
Prior to joining IDTechEx, Yulin received his master's degree in medical robotics from Imperial College London, specialising in artificial intelligence, robotics and mechanical engineering. His research involved using computer vision and artificial intelligence to detect the intention of users. Prior to his master's degree, Yulin completed his undergraduate degree from both the University of Edinburgh and Dalian University of Technology, undertaking research projects ranging from using machine learning for carbon reabsorption and robotic 3D printing.

Speaking at Forthcoming Events

InCabin.Sensing Europe 2024
Berlin - 26 - 28 Jun 2024
The organisers say: Directed at executives, technical leaders, advanced engineers, practitioners, and experts involved in human factors and intelligent interior system systems, InCabin.Sensing brings together over 100 of the most influential practitioners, technical & HMI experts, OEMs, Tier 1s, and research institutes to discuss the latest technical advancements, market trends and opportunities. IDTechEx Senior Technology Analyst Yulin Wang is speaking in the conference.


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